bağımsı meetings
related meetings and project events
This section includes the meeting and events related to independent art organizations took place in Turkey.
Regarding the scope, members of the Operational Team and partnering organizations has been producing various outputs in several formats such as master thesis, Ph.D. dissertations, articles as well as implementing assorted public events to empower the solidarity within the scene. A bibliography can be found on bibliography.
please let us know by mailing to if you know other events that are not listed here or any corrections on the ones that listed.
MEETING III: Salt Galata
Workshop of Independents – III
4th of January, 2020 (14.00 – 16.00)
SALT Galata (Bankalar Cad. No: 11, Karaköy, Beyoğlu, İstanbul)
Participants: HAH Kolektif, Orta Format, Çatı, Sokak Bizim, Mekanda Adalet, A Corner in the World, Herkes için Mimarlık (Architecture for Everybody), Arabesk Fanzin, Torun, SUB collective, Dünya Mirası Adalar – DMA
MEETING II: Halka Sanat Projesi”
Workshop of Independents – III
15th of December, 2019 (14.00 – 17.00)
Halka Sanat Projesi (Caferağa Mah. Bademaltı Sok. No: 24, Moda, Kadıköy, İstanbul)
Participants: NOKS, Moda Sahnesi, Poşe, Radyo Modyan, Oddviz, Bir Buçuk Kollektif, Sanatatak, Halka Sanat Projesi, Yumurta Yapım, Kadıköy Kooperatifi
MEETING I: Hayy Open Space
Workshop of Independents – I
Halka Sanat Projesi
8th of December, 2019 (14.00 – 17.00)
Hayy Open Space (Güzelyurt Mah. 920/1 Sok. No: 30 Piyaleoğlu Han, Kemeraltı, İzmir)
Participants: Hayy Open Space, Apeiron Collective, LOKALL Kent Rehberi (City Guide), street disco, 6x6x6, Açık Stüdyo, Mahzen Photos / No 238, Shelter (artist run space), Yüksek Oda, İzmir Çağdaş Sanat Haritası, Maquis Project, Darağaç, Baliyle Karapoşet, Ateşböceği, Büyük Siyah Kapı, Açık Masa, Tiyatrohane
Experience Exchange of Contemporary Arts Initiatives
Halka Sanat Projesi
October 31st, 2014
Halka Sanat Projesi (Caferağa Mah. Bademaltı Sok. No: 24, Moda, Kadıköy, İstanbul)
Katılımcılar: amberPlatform, Pasaj, Maumau, Creative Çukurcuma, Halka Sanat Projesi
Cooperation of İzmir Independent Performance and Culture Works:
October 17th– November 29th, 2020
online, Izmir
Acik Studio, Fatih Gençkal, Hayy Open Space, KARANTINA collective, NomadMind, Sevcan Sönmez and Tiyatro 4 – joined forces on building a consortium of cooperation for independent performance and culture studies. Funded by Spaces of Culture and collaborating with FREIRAUM (Germany), K2 Contemporary Arts Center and PURESPACE initiative (Turkey), Komünitas primarily focused on defining an interdisciplinary and international common ground for cooperation in cultural management on an organizational, legal and financial level. In this realm, the cooperation held 25 online events with participation of 75 artists, culture managers, scholars and civil society professionals, in the light of their past and current experience. You can download the final report from their website, including all outputs of their first harvesting.
Exhibition platform
Merkezkac Art Collective (Diyarbakır)
June 1st – November 30th, 2020
online, Diyarbakır
Driven by the motto “There is Safety in Numbers”, Merkezkac Art Collective (Diyarbakır) formed an exhibition platform by bringing together art collectives and initiatives operating in various cities. During the process, participating collectives aimed to bring new solutions and approaches to social issues such as identity, power, ecology, alienation, and migration with the tool set of contemporary art. “Passage” exhibition was designed as a common ground for the research on the changes collectives face within their art practices in their own peripheries. Thus, participants as ArtRole (Arbil – London), Rhythm Section (Munich), Bat Art Lab (Batman), Karşı Sanat (Istanbul), Mişar Art (Mardin) and Sarı Denizaltı Arts Initiative (Izmir) created a dialogic environment throughout the process.
DAİRE Artists-in_Residence Program Experience Sharing Sessions
DAİRE Artists-in_Residence Program
October 9-10th, 2020
K2 Urla Nefes Alanı, İzmir
Held as the closing event of a yearlong program, various independents from 9 cities in Turkey shared their experience about the process. Independents based in Izmir were also present at the forum, to share their insights on outputs and displayed outputs. Check out the website of the program for further info.
“Capacity Building Workshop for Initiatives”
Experience Exchange of Contemporary Arts Initiatives
DAİRE Artists-in_Residence Program
August 27-28, 2020
Mimarlık Merkezi, İzmir
The workshop hosted 20 independents based in Izmir coming from various backgrounds such as performance arts, visual arts, cultural education, land art, video design, philosophy, literature, museology and ecology. Please find the videos (only in Turkish) on Youtube channel of K2 Güncel Sanat Merkezi.
“İzmir Art Memory”
Dâhili Bellek
7 Aralık 2019 (14.00 – 18.00)
KARANTINA (211 Sok. No: 20/A, Karantina, Konak, İzmir)
Established in 2018 to create a public digital archive, the non-profit art initiative Dâhilî Bellek organized a mapping workshop titled Izmir Art Memory on 7 December 2019. The workshop, which mapped the art memory of Izmir in the context of places, actors, and events, aimed to record the memories of important exhibitions, events, institutions, and actors that steered culture and art. In the workshop, which aimed to evaluate the current art production of the city in the context of its cultural map, the details, and memories about the important events and art venues operating in the field of current art in İzmir since 1980 were shared. In light of these details, a mapping study was conducted to reveal the general relations.
networking session
August 5th – 9th, 2019
KARANTINA (211 Sok. No: 20/A, Karantina, Konak, İzmir)
Funded by Spaces of Culture, 6x6x6 hosted five initiatives from Ankara: Kova Art Space, Suimazen Editions, Partisyon Media Lab, Ka Fotoğraf Geliştirme Atölyesi and UrbanObscura. Following a series of networking sessions including presentations, 6x6x6 led the foundation of a solidarity network called BIARADA (ALLTOGETHER), also with inclusion of Darağaç, Büyük Siyah Kapı (İzmir), Amîdart Arts Group (Diyarbakır) ve SUB colective (Çanakkale); based on exchange of resources and content.
“Non Registered Art Communities” ”
Hayy Open Space
April 12th, 2019
Hayy Açık Alan, İzmir
“Non-registered Art Communities” is a project supported by TANDEM TURKEY in collaboration with Hayy Open Space and Yıldız Çintay Art Group (TR), Va Space and Kaarnamaa (IR). The project focused on discussions and research about collective practices and nature of non-registered art organizations; such as art initiatives and artist-run-spaces through seminars, workshops and roundtable talks. Due to ongoing instability in both countries, resilience of independent art spaces was a the primary concern. So, it is clearly declared that sharing resources by adopting a trans-national approach and creating safe civic platforms to host creative discussions is a must in order to enhance independent communities, as it will lead to establishment of a common ground for inspiring, collective work. Local initiatives such as Dâhili Bellek, Darağaç, No 238 Arts and Culture Initiative, I/O and Büyük Siyah Kapı were invited to supply their inputs and insights, on the issue.More can be find on
NomadMind's website.
“Non-Registered Art Communities” projesi, European Cultural Foundation - ECF (Amsterdam) ve MitOst (Berlin) tarafından, Anadolu Kültür’ün (Istanbul) iş birliğinde, TANDEM TURKEY tarafından desteklenmiştir.
Think Up Culture
British Council Turkey
February 7th – 8th, 2019
Originn Co-Working Space, İzmir)
With the leadership of British Council Turkey and with support of İzmir Developement Agency (İZKA), Municipality of Konak, Ipec; Originn Co-Working Space and Power House Hub organized a capacity building program aimed to independent initiatives, start-ups and designers based in Izmir. The participants pondered on subjects such as “participation of women in culture and creativity”, “culture and creative industries” and “urban – regional renewal”, while examining good examples and innovative ideas on digitalization of culture. Other focal points of the program were defined as expansion of local events and inventing alternative practices to enhance ventures based on creative industries.
“What Can We Achieve Together?”
series of events
October 21, 2018
Adile Naşit Park, Izmir
Aiming to contribute to capacity building efforts on improving urban arts and culture scene in Izmir; 6x6x6 was founded as an initiative in 2018 by four local culture directors, leading various projects on mapping, routing, documenting and event designing. Between 30th of June and 21st of December, 6x6x6 placed 36 events on 6 routes where the content varied on urban heritage, contemporary arts, plastic arts, music, photography, cinema, literature, contemporary dance, radio arts, independent publishing, and street arts while hosting hundreds of followers en route.
“Opening Spaces Together”
NomadMind & Kendine Ait Bir Oda (KABO)
1st of June, 2018 )
Agora Excavation Space, İzmir
The forum organized by NomadMind ve Kendine Ait Bir Oda (KABO) centered upon their intersecting interest: “Inventing common spaces to enhance independent productions and defining in between regions in the process”.
“There is Another Option: Open Space and Artist Collectives
series of talks
curated by Derya Yücel
February 19th – 24th 2018
Kasa Galeri, İstanbul
Designed as a series of open talks, Kasa Gallery was aiming to lay a ground for mining the common memory of collectivism of independents in Turkey, where it all began in mid-90’s. Accordingly, the transformation of the scene was discussed comprehensively and assets to be carried into future were determined gingerly.
Participating initiatives and collectives are listed as: Altı Aylık, Atılkunst, Artık Mekan, Bandrolsüz, BAS, birbuçuk, ÇokAyaklılar, Darağaç Projesi, Dramaqueer Sanat Kolektifi, HAH, Halka Sanat, Hallederiz İnş. Kooperatifi, HAYAKA ARTI, hazavuzu, HER H L, Karapembe Karşı Sanat Kolektifi, Kartonkitap, Kendine Ait Bir Oda, Loading, Mardin'de Çağdaş Sanat Konuşmaları, Mars, Maquis Projects, Merkezkaç, Mtaär, Noks, Oda Projesi, Oddviz, Pasaj, Pelesiyer, PiST///, Sanatorium, Taşeron, Yaygara, Yoğunluk, Videoist, xurban_collective, 5533, 216.
“Independent Art as a Social Necessity”
January 18th – 22nd 2016
TAK Kadıköy, Istanbul
Designed and executed by amberPlatform for RCE (Paris) and directed by Ekmel Ertan in the frame of “Unblocking: exploring the new ways of cooperation and solidarity, through shared analysis of the political, economic and artistic situation to lead to concrete cross-cultural projects between independent actors”; this workshop was held for iTeam meeting series, in collaboration with Bunker (Ljubljana) and Terra Musica (Istanbul).
CI 2016 Visibility Project
alternative exhibition
September, 2016
Contemporary İstanbul, İstanbul
amberPlatform’s call for the Visibility Project aimed to independents to contribute to Contemporary İstanbul with a plant and a motto to protest the exclusion of independents by institutions and market.
Meeting of the Initiatives Vol. 1: “Alternative to What?” [link]
Curated by Beral Madra /İstanbul 2010 ECCA
Kadırga, İstanbul
Curated by Beral Madra (then Director of Visual Arts at İstanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency), in collaboration with Art Pie, this event was designed as a parallel action to 11th International İstanbul Biennal. The scope of the event was based on seeking a definition for the term “initiative” and asking where they stand on the contemporary art scene.
“Artists’ Initiatives Gathering” [link]
networking meeting
PİST///, Istanbul
As one of the early attempts pulling together artist initiatives and collectives based in various cities, this event still stands grand, for its grassroot approach.